Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students. (MANF)

 Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students. (MANF)
Purpose  Maulana Azad National Fellowship For Minority Students provides finacial support to the minority communities students to encouraging them to pursue higher studies such as M. Phil and Ph.D.
Agency UGC
Govt/PVT Govt
Eligibility 1. You must belong to the minority community & must be admitted to an M.Phil./Ph.D. course in a recognised institution.
2. Prior clearance of NET/SLET examination will not be a prerequisite for award of Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minority students for M.Phil/Ph.D.3. The annual income of the beneficiary/parents or guardian of the beneficiary should not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakh from all sources.
Last date 15th,Aug 2016
Amount 1.Rs. 25,000/- p.m. in the first two years as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF).
2. Rs. 28,000/- p.m. for the remaining tenure as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF).3.Contingency for Humanities & Social Sciences and Commerce: Rs.10,000/- p.a. for initial two years and Rs.20,500/- p.a. for remaining three years.4.Contingency for Science: Rs.12,000/- p.a. for initial two years and Rs.25,000/- p.a. for remaining three years.

5. Escorts/Reader Assistance: Rs.2,000/- p.m. in cases of physically and visually challenged candidates.RF).

Number of Awards 1. The total number of fellowships each year will be 756 (state-wise distribution).

2. 30% of the fellowship shall be earmarked for women students.

3. Not more than two students from one family can avail fellowship.

Subjects For pursuing higher studies such as regular and full time M.Phil/Ph.D. degrees in Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology. 3% fellowships are reserved for Physically Handicapped candidates belonging to Minority Communities as per provision laid down by the Government of India.
Procedure You can apply for this scholarship through UGC Scholarship Portal.
Address Ministry of Minority Affairs,
11th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan,CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003, Phone: 011-24364279

