Staff training session was successfully conducted at Jamia Darul Huda, Hyderabad for Khidmat, Seva and MACCS. Branches from Medak, Mahbubnagar, Rangareddy & Hyderabad were part of the training program. The program was divided into 3 sessions. Starting with a general session for all staff and then breaking into 2 parallel session one for cash collectors/Business Executives and another for BMC Managers and Accountants.
The program was conveyed by Janab Mohd Rafiuddin sahab BMC President Zaheerabad. Janab Azam Ali sahab Director HWF and Janab Abdul Jabbar Siddiqui sahab General Secretary HWF TS & AP Chapter also addressed the participants. The lectures were given by different BMC and district presidents.
Major topics covered in the sessions:
- Importance of interest free societies
- Advantages of interest free over other financial system
- Various products under MACCS
- Process of loaning
- Loan recovery
- Importance of Sadaqa and Kharz in Islam
- Procedure for approval and sanctions of Loan
- MACCS accounting practices
- Legal aspects of loaning and defaulting
- Question answer session